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About Us

Doatech originally emerged in the second half of 2023 as an idea to be a centralized donation platform. Bringing together not only the main NGOs, but also social projects that wanted to gain visibility. However, our idea is not just to create another common donation platform, like those already existing in our world; As we are 3 young people on this mission, we want to direct other young people to a culture of donation, promoting actions and incentives so that they can enter this world and donate from an early age.

We realize that people with viable financial conditions to donate part of their income take a long time to become aware of the importance of donating. Typically, this turning point occurs in a midlife crisis or some transformative life event. Therefore, the sooner we work to advance a culture of donation, the more representation the third sector will have in the GDP, and the more easily this behavior will be reproduced in the next generations, starting with the youngest.

Among the strategies we will use to develop this project are: Taking Doatech to traditional schools among the elite of SP, where we have high donor potential. The idea is to reach this audience through lectures, forming small Hubs within these schools.; capitalizing and developing the project more quickly, as we would have students who would work within their respective schools in favor of the company.

Our mission

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